Thank you for sharing. I expect as time goes on, we'll be bombarded with Deep Fakes that will become more difficult to spot over time.

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Thank you Loki. What a great article that was full of information about AI and deepfakes. Things that I had heard of but was uninformed about.

The most astounding one was the voice of President Trump and the comments made on audio. I am glad to know that he did not say such things.

Your friend Kim aka Ringo, Maggie Mae.

🕊️peace always

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Great work. Shared with many friends and family.

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Good grief. As if we don’t have enough to worry about. We really do have to question everything. Our eyes and ears deceive us constantly. It’s really a shame that people with the talent to do things like this don’t use it for good instead of nefarious purposes.

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Thank you Loki for bringing this all to light! This technology is so misleading, i can see where it could cause massive chaos or worse. Thanks for including solutions to protect and spot the deep fakes. Although its good info, i think its not enough and will still fool the masses.

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Thank you so much for sharing this!

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